Hi ECFers,

Here are the latest postings of ECF events, ECFer/sector-shared event, tool and opportunity announcements. Note there are some fab in-person events coming up in Cardiff and London...and if you wish to organise your own local ECF Re-Ignite event, let me know and I can support you.

Join the events announcements-only list to only get event and resource roundups directly without being part of the ECF discussion list or other listing: https://fairsayforum.com/join/lists/events.campaigningforum.com/

Include your event or announcement by emailing me (duane.raymond@fairsay.com, subject: Event listing) before Sunday midnight (GMT time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.

Official Campaigning Forum events
  1. Cardiff: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event
    When & Where: Wed. 9 Jul, 15:00, Wales TUC Cymru offices
    Register via Meetup or Luma (see all ECF events on Meetup and Luma)
    The official ECF Community event in Cardiff. Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past ECF events and the wider campaigning community. Agenda: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.

  2. New UK Government: What do we do now?
    When: Thu 18 Jul 11:00-12:00 BST (Zoom).
    This is a follow-on call to the wildly popular "Engaging the UK's post-election government" online event on June 25 you can see here: https://youtu.be/q9SIHTaTgiA
    By this event we'll know the UK General Election results, MPs will have been sworn in (9 July) and the King's Speech will have happened as part of the State Opening of Parliament on 17 July. Now that we know the results and the agenda, it is time to get on with engaging them. Even if they recess parliament over the rest of July and August, they will be working.

  3. London: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event
    When: Wed. Jul 24  6pm

    Register via Meetup or Luma (see all ECF events on Meetup and Luma)
    Overview: In what many consider as a ‘tired’ and ‘broken’ Britain that has just delivered a landslide victory for the Labour party, how can a focus on ‘care’ help organisations to campaign effectively for social and environmental change? Presentation and discussion lead by Anastasia Kavada (linkedin)
    Why join?: Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past ECF events, the community and professors, alumni and students of the MA of Media, Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host (and partner). 

  4. European Campaign Forum: Oct 23-24, Berlin
    The next ECF event is the European Campaign Forum in Berlin bringing together participants from across Europe. Not only is Berlin easy to get to by train from all over Europe, its central location means it has participants from countries all around it and beyond. It is held in English, but participants are welcome to switch to other languages if it suits the group participants.

  5. Save the date: Campaigning Forum Oxford, 2025: Apr 8-10
Partner events
  1. Sep 2024-Apr 2025: MA/Certificate in Media, Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster). Enrol for this innovative course was founded by two ECFers to create an academic course in campaigning - and has alumi from around the world.  Course lead Michaela O'Brien will be hosting ECF Re-Ignite events in late July if you wish to talk to her about it and meet students/alumni.
Sector events
  1. Online: Visual Design for Organizing Apprenticeship
    When: Sept-Oct 2024
    What: From concept to execution, learn how to create designs that stand out, drive action, and help win campaigns. Earn SMT’s Certificate in Visual Design for Organizing. Join 400+ alums from around the world who’ve taken this 8-session apprenticeship where you’ll get tons of guidance, feedback and support. 
Community member offer
  1. Introducing Emma Lawton - inspirational speaker
    Posted by Emma Lawton hi@emmalawton.co.uk
    I'm a keynote and inspirational speaker who's given talks to many charities and big corporates alike. I normally work through an agency, who obviously put a mark up on top) During this month I'm offering to really reduce my rates (average talk is about 1/5 of my usual fee) because I know that post-covid there are a lot of people struggling to get 'back to normal life' (work and home). You can find out more about me here.

    Having worked in the charity sector for a number of years I have a good network of connections who are booking and sharing this for me but I would really love to offer it wider. My main topics are around resilience and change and I'm qualified in Mental Health first aid
    and advocacy. See more about me at http://www.emmalawton.co.uk/
On demand trainings 
  1. Online, on demand: Improve the conversion rates on your campaign landing pages
    Posted by Paul Boag paul@boagworks.com
    A 16 part email course detailing how to improve the conversion rate of any campaign landing page.  https://boagworld.com/l/charity-landing-pages/
Academic surveys
  1. Research invite: Climate Activism and Digital Media Engagement Metrics (for Canada or India based campaigners)
    Posted b
    y smehta@trentu.ca Swati Mehta, PhD Candidate, Department of Cultural Studies, Trent University

    About me: I'm a long time ECFer and I worked in digital communications and campaigning for - starting at Greenpeace India back in 2010. Now turned to academia and I am a PhD candidate at Trent University, Peterborough On, Canada, studying the relationship between engagement metrics and digital organisers in the climate movement. I'm hoping to bring together some of
    those experiences along with the expertise of the wider digital organising
    community in my research with the objective of producing something that is
    useful for the wider community.

    About the research: I’m inviting digital organisers based in India or Canada and over 18 years of age to join a study on the influence of engagement metrics and
    digital organising in the climate movement. Selected participants will be
    requested to complete a survey and interview. All participants will receive
    e-gift cards of $10 and $25 CAD or their equivalent in INR for completing
    the survey and interview, respectively.They will also have an option to
    join a workshop to collaboratively develop a qualitative framework for
    evaluating engagement. I use the term digital organiser broadly to include
    activists working independently or in organisation, as well as creative
    producers such as artists, musicians, content creators, and influencers,
    who are advocating for climate action on digital media platforms. I’m
    particularly interested in hearing from Gen Z, millennial, and older
    digital organisers working on climate or environmental issues in India and

    You are more than welcome to share the survey link with colleagues  / consultants / collaborators in your networks. Details about the study, terms of consent and the application itself can be accessed here: https://trentu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bfHUPfnB37djkmG
  1. How can organisations value lived experience in the right way?
    Posted by Khudija - khudija@thesocialchangeagency.org
    See the new Payment for Involvement Playbook. This is a comprehensive guide to everything organisations need to create a fair and equitable payment for involvement policy. It incorporates extensive research, best practice from a learning community of over 170+ organisations, and insights from leading experts including the National Institute for Health and Care Research, Citizens Advice and the Department for Work and Pensions.

Platform and tool announcements
  1. PostBug: get noticed by new MPs with printed postcards
    Now that Labour have won the UK election, MPs will already be getting thousands of emails even before they have their pass and staff. So you need a way to stand out.  PostBug.com offers that by enabling your supporters to send real printed postcards and letters from their device. Printed postcards and letters get noticed because they are physical, tactile, portable with a presence when designed well and piled up on a desk or notice board. Plus less is more: it only takes a few to be noticed. See possibilities and case studies and request a demo
    (Disclosure: PostBug is run by FairSay)


PS: To have your event or announcement included,  email me before Sunday midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.

Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802