Hi ECFers - especially European ECFers :-)

You're invited to join me on Oct 23-24 for the 2024 European Campaign Forum event in Berlin. 
(The late rate kicks in Sep 22 to apply soon) - returning participants have a special rate.

Ask your boss to join ASAP - they might have already been to the event themselves.

This year is special for me because its also the 20th anniversary FairSay (I started ECF events two years earlier in 2002 when I was at Oxfam GB) 🕺

I'll be gathering with some of you to explore the new realities of 2024 and the last few years: the balance of power in the EU and national parliaments (including the UK) has changed. The US will be two weeks away from voting and we're increasingly starting to see Russia's interference being exposed.

Our networks build the future
As a social species, how we are networked creates the future - and I don't mean with Zoom or Teams - but face-to-face. ECF events are designed to (and proven to) do three things:
  1. Help you gain confidence in what you know and how to keep learning
  2. Provide you with a trusted network to grow and learn
  3. Help you focus on what you need to learn now while revealing what else you could learn
This event helps you release the leader in you that you might not even know is there (but it is because you've chosen to work for change already!)

For your campaign / organisation you will come back with ideas on how to be more effective in your campaigns right away, and how to evolve them going forward.

Not your conference-as-usual
Collective intelligence is available to everyone when the right space exists. ECF events are designed so that you find the people you need to exchange with to learn from each other. Repeat this for two days and the learning is incredible.  This is a finely tuned version of the  unconference (aka open space) methodology that we use.

This potential is hard to recognise if you are used to pre-programmed speaker-led events. So look for if the agenda has enough time for multiple great conversations (not just breaks), a little inspiration / perspective and chances for you to share what you know. That is part of the recipe for a great ECF event. The other part is participants - including you.

If you wonder why the event isn't streamed online - it is because you can't really capture dozens of great discussions each day and the joy is participating in them. So you need to be there to benefit from them.

How do Berlin and Oxford events compare?
Besides the city and venue, both events are held in English. They also both use the same core tried-and-tested approach (with some improvements each year) that the event is well loved for. 

However they differ in size: Berlin is smaller which means deeper connection with each participant vs. in Oxford where you connect with a broader range of participants. Both work well and I often hear at each event that it is the 'perfect' size. Both are human-scale events were you get to know others well which means lasting connections well beyond the event.

Get outside your bubble (with safety)
The event is a chance to get outside your bubble, even if you are Berlin-based! Plus it is easy to get to from most of Europe by rail (including a growing number of night trains). As covid is still around, we have multiple in-room CO2 monitors to ensure the air is circulating, the space is very airy, covid tests are available (and encouraged in advance) and masks are encouraged and available.

To see more and apply before the late rate kicks in on Sep 22 at https://campaignforum.eu/ 
(returning participants have a special rate)

See you there!


Duane (and Juri and Lisanne from wegewerk=
Founder and organiser of the annual Campaigning Forum events (since 2002!)

Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802