Hi ECFers,

Here are the latest postings of ECF events, ECFer/sector-shared event, tool and opportunity announcements....not quite a Monday update this time (PostBug.com has kept me busy)

Join the events announcements-only list to only get event and resource roundups directly without being part of the ECF discussion list or other listing: https://fairsayforum.com/join/lists/events.campaigningforum.com/

Include your event or announcement by emailing me (duane.raymond@fairsay.com, subject: Event listing) before Sunday midnight (GMT time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.

Official Campaigning Forum events
  1. European Campaign Forum: Oct 23-24, Berlin (join me)
    Overview: This is not your conference-as-usual event. It is where campaigning practitioners have been coming for 22 years to deepen their existing knowledge and networks. This is due to its un-conference (aka open space) format which puts participants first to not just learn from others, but learn with others. Plus as a two day event it is a low distraction environment as participants are committed to being fully present.  It is held in English, but participants are welcome to switch to other languages if it suits the group participants. Find out more, see the agenda and apply at https://campaignforum.eu/

  2. Save the date: Campaigning Forum Oxford, 2025: Apr 8-10
Partner events
  1. Sep 2024-Apr 2025: MA/Certificate in Media, Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster). Enrol for this innovative course was founded by two ECFers to create an academic course in campaigning - and has alumi from around the world.  Course lead Michaela O'Brien will be hosting ECF Re-Ignite events in late July if you wish to talk to her about it and meet students/alumni.
Sector events
  1. Online: Facilitation 101 training taster session
    Posted by: Julia juliacslay@gmail.com
    When: Mon 16 September, 2024 12:00-13:30 UK 
    OverviewFacilitation skills can be used in any scenario, from team meetings, to
    away days, campaigns, events and leadership roles. Join Facilitation 101
    for a free 90 minute taster in September, where you will learn new skills,
    meet like minded people, and come away with a toolbox of resources that you
    can apply in your day to day work.  See more details and sign up to the taster here:

  2. London: Join Bite Back and Put Planetary Health on the Menu
    When: 18 Sep 2024, 5.30 - 7pm
    Overview: Something has gone wrong with our food system. It is the second biggest contributor to global emissions and it's also damaging our health. Bite Back is bringing together our one-of-a-kind youth activists, climate experts, and the best in the business when it comes to legal power for change, to ask the question: are Big Food taking planetary health seriously enough?
    For more info and if you are interested in joining, please contact events@biteback2030.org 

  3. Leeds: Festival of Learning - North of England Meet-Up
    When: Monday 23 September, 10am - 1pm
    Where: St George's Conference Centre, 60 Great George St, Leeds, LS1 3DL
    Overview: Connect with local charities, funders, and documentary makers,
    and learn from leaders with lived experience on how to publicly advocate
    and tell authentic stories. Hosted by Emma Pears, SELFA, network and enjoy
    talks from guest speakers, Steve Arnott, Hull Beats, Anna Hall, Candour
    Productions, Rachael Mole, Moleworks Solutions, and Debs Teale, Multi award
    winning mental health advocate, consultant & facilitator. https://www.sounddelivery.org.uk/festival-of-learning/

  4. LiverpoolThe Campaign Fringe at Labour Conference 2024
    When: 23 September 11:00-19:00
    Posted by:Daniel daniel@campaignlab.uk
    Overview: If you are heading to the Labour Conference, stop by #TheCampaignFringe, where we'll be showcasing the latest work and research from organisations across the progressive ecosystem, tackling key questions shaping the future of campaigning.

    With sessions ranging from Hope Not Hate to learning how to use AI in your
    campaigns from experts, there will be talks, workshops, and plenty of space
    to grab a coffee and relax throughout the day! See https://lu.ma/wafufxe0

  5. Online: Uniting lived and learnt experience on social justice
    When: 2 October, 15:00-16:00 UK / 11:00 EST
    Posted by: James Montague, JamesMontague@forster.co.uk
    Speaker Minnie Rahman, CEO of Praxis, will delve into the challenges of uniting lived and learnt experience in order to accelerate change and achieve social justice. This includes navigating misinformation and misunderstanding, translating the complex for audiences with differing levels of understanding and getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. Learn more and signup at https://go.cloudpresenter.com/event/forster/uniting-lived-and-learnt-social-justice

  6. Action Learning Sets for Emerging Leaders in campaigning organisations
    Posted by Rummena Begum, rummena.begum@smk.org.uk
    When: October 2024
    Overview: We are running a new action learning set for emerging leaders in campaigning organisations. This will build on SMK's experience of running sets at diverse levels since autumn 2023 in partnership with charity co-founder and experienced action learning set facilitator, Josephine Knowles.
    We hope this will appeal to new line managers in campaigning organisations and people who are managing a campaigning workstream or campaigning team. We're offering a 10% discount to anyone who books a place by mid-August! To find out more, please head to: https://smk.org.uk/what-we-do/support/action-learning-sets/

  7. Online: How to develop effective campaign strategies
    When: 15 Oct 2024
    Overview: An in-depth session for experienced campaigners and leaders. for Chief Executives, senior leaders, community leaders and emerging leaders who want to explore how to do campaign strategy better. Run by SMK Head of Programmes Kath Christie and SMK Associate and former CEO Julia Beart. See more at https://smk.org.uk/what-we-do/how-to-develop-effective-campaign-strategies/

  8. London: How to own the room: a workshop on public speaking
    When: 16 Oct 2024
    A hands-on workshop for anyone looking to work on their influencing skills, presence, and charisma, whether your focus is on building strong relationships in one-to-one meetings or expressing campaign messages succinctly in front of an audience. Viv will draw on her experience as a comedian and presenter for this session on achieving a compelling connection in any context, anxiety-free. Run by comedian and BBC Radio 4 presenter Viv Groskop. You can find out more at https://smk.org.uk/what-we-do/deep-dive-how-to-own-the-room/

  9. Online: Evaluating what matters + Social media to win campaigns
    : 9 Oct + 30 Oct
    Our on-line training workshops are designed to give you the basic building blocks of campaigning, including introducing the bigger picture of what social change is and communications planning. We run more specialist sessions in specific skills like influencing in parliament and digital campaigning. See https://smk.org.uk/what-we-do/support/campaign-training/open-training/

  10. London: Facilitation Fundamentals (1 day)
    When: 30 Oct 10:00-16:30 
    What: This course is for people who are relatively new to facilitation and will equip you with essential tools to support your work with groups. It will introduce you to three core facilitation skills and give you a chance to put these into practice.

  11. London: Facilitation 101 Intensive course (3 days)
    When: 11-13 November
    Overview: In depth training will support experienced facilitators to strengthen their practice and grow their confidence. There are six learning modules and a strong focus on peer learning throughout.

  12. London: Facilitation 101 Masterclass
    When: 6 November
    Overview: for people with some experience of facilitation who want to take their work from good to great. It will cover two advanced facilitation skills and a chance to revisit the essentials too.

  13. Edinburgh: Facilitation 101 Masterclass
    When: 3 December
    Overview: for people with some experience of facilitation who want to take their work from good to great. It will cover two advanced facilitation skills and a chance to revisit the essentials too.
On-demand courses
  1. Online: Strategic fundraising webinar
    Who: It is designed for community groups and grassroots movements. Designed specifically for community groups and grassroots movements,
    Overview: the webinar covers essential strategies for raising funds and how to fundraise more strategically when you have limited time and resources. https://thesocialchangenest.org/webinar/strategic-fundraising/
Platform and tool announcements
  1. AI campaign email generator (free)
    For those moments when you have a million things to do, or a campaign you need to get out the door ASAP, we've built an AI email generator. You enter in the URL of the petition/fundraising page you want to drive traffic to, and it uses AI to write a campaign email for that page. it's free to use, so please check it out and let me know what you think! https://www.movement.industries/draft-email-generator/

  2. SMK Free Campaign Tools
    Free campaign tools page and a new community noticeboard for your use. Please do take a look and let us know if you have something to share with the wider community - jobs, events or any news related to campaigning.

  3. Stand out with the UK's new Labour Government with postcards.
    Overview: PostBug.com offers that by enabling your supporters to send real printed postcards and letters from their device. Printed postcards and letters get noticed because they are physical, tactile, portable with a presence when designed well and piled up on a desk or notice board. Plus less is more: it only takes a few to be noticed. See possibilities and case studies and request a demo
    (Disclosure: PostBug is run by FairSay)


PS: To have your event or announcement included,  email me before Sunday midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.

Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802