Hi everyone,

For the last three months, I've co-organised free in-person events (they hosted and I mainly promoted) in London: one during the election period, one after and one last evening.  These had low turnout (people signed up on Meetup but didn't show up).

So as we take a pause and review if we organise more, I'd live to hear off/on list (so others can learn), I'd like to ask: are in-person events are still interesting and relevant for you?

(and if you signed up and didn't show up, don't apologise - that is normal for events as we have to make decisions about what is best for each of us and plans change!)

..so I could (and will) do this in a survey, but a discussion helps shape the survey!
If in-person events are relevant...
  1. What stopped you from joining one of the in-person events? (timing, location, weather, working from home, un-interesting events, covid concerns, heard about it too late, caring responsibility, etc)?

  2. What would get you to RSVP for an in-person event and actually show up?

  3. What do you like most about in-person events?

  4. What in-person events have you gone to in the last year? Would you go again? Why?

  5. What input do you have for me organising future interesting in-person events that you would show up to?
If in-person events are not relevant...
  1. Why? e.g. concerns about covid, you live too far away, you don't like evening events (or don't like work-day events, caring responsibility, ), your work life is now mostly online, etc.

  2. Would anything make an in-person event appealing? What?

  3. What type of online events do you want to see more of?

I love in-person events
It is less the speakers for me and much more who else is there. It is not that I love networking (I feel awkward if I don't know anyone), but when done well (open space/unconference) the conversations are top quality and very insightful AND I get to meet new people without feeling awkward because they share an interest.

I also thing professionally at a good in-person event (especially ECF 2-day event style) I learn more in 2 days that I would in 2 years of working at a desk and online events. 

I experience it like the difference between a quick dry sandwich for lunch and a Gourmet restaurant serving most of your favourite food: I can't/won't go to a gourmet restaurant every day/week/month but when I do I'll love every minute!

For me, in-person events are spoiling my mind and my spirit. They renew me in ways nothing else can (and ECF events are nothing like normal events)...so I and trying to understand if it is just me who feels this way about in-person events or if there are others out there!



Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802