For all UK based ECFers,

The King's Speech summary is now out:

This will form the basis of the zoom call tomorrow (and next week's follow on) . Tomorrow will be a peer sharing session - the heart of how ECF was founded and is sustained because together we are way wiser than any single expert :-)

If you are joining, please familiarise yourself with the King's Speech (= Government's priorities for all non Brits - and yes  it is weird):



On Tue, 16 Jul 2024 at 10:02, Duane Raymond (FairSay) <> wrote:
Hi again ECFers,

On Thursday I'm hosting the first of a few post-election Zoom calls to discuss what next now that Labour has formed the UK government. This is a followup to the pre-election webinar on preparing for it.  It is on Thu 18 Jul 11:00-12:00 BST (via Zoom).

This will be a peer sharing call followed the next week (Thu 25 Jul 11:00-12:00 BST) by having Hike Harris, CEO of of 89up share his experience talking to dozens of new ministers and the PM about their plans when they were shadow ministers.

What do registered participants want to talk about this week?
Participants were asked at the time of registration "What do you want to learn from this online event? This input will be passed to all participants to help prepare.". Below are their answers.
  1. Any key dates we should be looking out for
  2. How others orgs will be prioritising and approaching engagement.
  3. Successfully engaging new MPs with campaigning comms
  4. if and how our engagement techniques should change
  5. How to work with first time MPs and new spads/staff
  6. Foreign policy priorities and where to get traction
  7. Dealing with opposition and media pulling discussions to extreme right (and pulling Labour with it)
  8. A summary of relevant from the King's Speech and anything gleaned in the first weeks since the election about the new gov
  9. Learn about election engagement
  10. A variety of perspectives to add to my existing knowledge
  11. Best ways of achieving cut through post election, with so many orgs lobbying and campaigning
  12. It'll be my first time campaigning when the Labour government will be in power, I want to learn about it.
  13. Just space to talk and think through how the (new) govt affects us and our campaigns
  14. Understand potential strategies/tactics to influencing the new government, to better help me prepare digital campaigns
  15. Where best to focus our energy and time to achieve maximum results
  16. General public affairs strategy tips and examples from other contexts would be useful
  17. Insight on the new Government's first 100 days and where it looks like opportunities exist to influence
  18. Good to see how other organisations are approaching the new political landscape, what the priorities and challenges are
  19. How to best engage with the new Government
  20. The most effective way of engaging with a new government, particularly in terms of getting green MPs on board to champion our org
  21. Shared understanding on how to approach new MPs with our communities
  22. Tactics for effectively recruiting new supporters post election
  23. I would love to hear what their experience of campaigning was, what constituents were saying their top priorities were and why
  24. External comms strategy for charities
  25. How public campaigning can help parliamentary/policy colleagues
  26. Tips on how best we can influence the new government
  27. Insights for effectively influencing new government
  28. engaging with a new government
  29. Considerations for a change of govt
  30. realistic expectations in post-election influencing world, what to prioritise in the immediate and where to strategise long term
  31. How are people thinking about the new election
  32. How to get policy wins when your issue isn't high up the new government agenda
  33. writing to new ministers - inviting to events asking for meetings
  34. What we can expect from campaigning under the new govt!
  35. Once you get a meeting with an MP or Minister - how do you keep them engaged after that (as a small charity)
  36. How we can engage this new Labour government to bring about positive change.
  37. Seeing how industry can best engage with the new Govt
  38. How can we effectively pivot our comms/actions from the old to a brand new Government?
  39. Is it better to be engaging multiple ministers who have relevance to your charitable remit, or to focus on the most obvious one
  40. Strategies for influencing new gov. Insider perspective from the new gov.
  41. Any insights about lobbying the government.
If you have something to say about any of these topics or wish to learn about them, join us for a group discussion on them. 



Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802